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No, we neither misunderstood the meaning of “IFC” nor decided to change its meaning. However, this post is meant for those curious readers who are eager to “touch” – and not just watch or read – an example of what Autosign can generate.

As BuildingSmart states: “IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is a standardized, digital description of the built asset industry. It is an open, international standard (ISO 16739-1:2018) and promotes vendor-neutral, or agnostic, and usable capabilities across a wide range of hardware devices, software platforms, and interfaces for many different use cases.” More detailed information can be found at the BuildingSmart website here (

Autosign is a leading BIM content design software solution, and therefore, creates traffic signs, portals, road markings, and other side road objects as BIM objects (3D solid objects with assigned Property Set data), which can be exchanged through the IFC 4.2 file format to be used in any BIM-ready software solution. And actually,it is two examples of IFC files created by Autosign what we are sharing with you all in this post.

One of the IFC files contains a traffic post which holds two traffic signs, whereas the second IFC file includes a guidance board on the top of a gantry. All the elements from both signaling objects include BIM properties that were assigned by Autosign.

Download the example of traffic signs exported as IFC file by Autosign clicking on the links below the following images:

At this point, it is worthy to mention that these examples are the most basic IFC models that you can generate with the IFC export tool of Autosign. Autosign is able to support much more complex models, including several traffic signs, different road markings, and road furniture into a single IFC file.

Another aspect that it is considered crucial is the time saving that Autosign provides its users when creating complex 3D models. Take a look to the Autosign’s workflow for creating a IFC model.

1. Draw the signs on your Layout in 2D using command . For inserting one sign into the layout, you will need no more than 2 clicks.

2. Run command to create 3D solids of your elements on the top of a surface in a matter of seconds.

3. Assign predefine or customized Property Set to the 3D solids using commands .

4. Run command and select all the elements at once in your layout, Autosign will generate the final IFC file ready to be compatible with any other BIM-ready software solution in a matter of seconds.

If you are interested in Autosign and would like to get further information or download a free trial.