SIMM Engineering’s PLATEIA Experience

Foto: SIMM Engineering" My first experience with PLATEIA software goes back to…

VIAING's experience using PLATEIA software on road infrastructure projects

Company VIAING was founded in 2012 by Riste Ristovski, a civil engineer, with…

How to change the direction of the station?

A station control tool enables one or more station value definitions along the…

Traffic signs and directional signs with editable text

Did you know that AUTOSIGN software allows you to easily edit text and…

External Reference Surfaces

Alignments, points, polylines and other entities supported by CGS Labs…

TCS Elements Manager

»TCS elements manager« is a tool used for zooming to a specific cross-section…

Points report

Plateia, Ferrovia and Aquaterra offers several functionalities to export points…

BIM pilot project Godovič

Can you imagine that more than a thousand experts are involved in one project…

Automated creation and editing of cross-sections

Macro feature automates the creation and editing of cross-sections, which…