We are introducing a new software version. Autopath 2022 includes exciting new enhancements and functionality that support swept path analysis for a variety of industries, clients, and usage purposes.
New vehicle libraries
The new vehicle libraries added to this version are:
- Deutschland RBSV_2020
- Refuse Vehicles
- EU ambulance vehicle
- Cement transportation trailers
- Military Iveco*
New command 1#: Tracking point
The new “Tracking point” functionality enables the user to analyze a single or multiple points on the vehicle. These points may represent the top, side or the areas under the vehicle. Examples of such a point could be a car mirror, a wide load on the rear of the truck, checking if the user can reach the parking automat from car and other similar cases.
When the user defines the point in the drawing, the command automatically tracks the selected point position along the entire path. If the user changes the path of the vehicle, the point will be dynamically updated.
An interactive method for creating swept path analysis - Easy Drive
New command 2#: Turning templates
The new “Turning templates” command allows the user to create a standard vehicle template for any vehicle in the Autopath library. This command can be used for default, modified and user defined vehicles.
The function allows interactive positioning, side and rotation capabilities, which optimizes time and process to produce required swept data.
An interactive method for creating swept path analysis - Easy Drive
Enhanced feature 1#: Total vehicle length
Total vehicle length data is now added to the vehicle profile report to double-check the maximal vehicle total length permitted on the dedicated path.
This value is extremely important when creating custom vehicles with trailers or when editing existing vehicle parameters of which the total length already nears or exceeds the maximal permitted vehicle length.
Enhanced feature 2#: Groups in vehicle library list
The vehicle library is now organized into groups, which allows the user to search for a vehicle faster.
Enhanced feature 3#: Remember the last vehicle
Autopath now remembers the last vehicle you selected, which means that the user no longer has to search the vehicle again and again.