CGS Labs Software Release notes

CGS Labs Civil Solutions 2017.1 | 19/7/2017



31V9 – Label polyline crash
Label polyline in a longitudinal profile resulted in a crash of the CAD platform or did not add results to the rubric. This issue has been fixed.
Additionally, the LK variable “300102” for the ENG version was changed from 0.5 to 0.25 to better accommodate the text results of the label polyline function.

41E1 – Updating from ASCII (CRO) file not working properly
Due to mismatching cross-section IDs inserted from an external ASCII file, updating cross-sections did not work correctly. In the case of an ID value of “-1”, it now also compares the station value to correctly refresh the cross-sections (terrain line and cross-section name).

41E1 – Additional terrain not inserted when using ASCII (CRO) file
Additional terrain was correctly added when using drawing as input data but not when using an external ASCII file. This also fixes how the main terrain is updated in different cases (dwg/cro file as input and dwg/cro file as data for refreshing).

41I2 – TCS Extend doesn’t work when intersecting element multiple times
With the TCS Extend fix in CGS 2025.0 (b800) that solved some issues on BricsCAD, there was an unintended consequence where the extend function did not work in cases where it found two or more intersections with the same element (mostly with terrain in both directions of selected TCS element). This has now been resolved.

Google Maps – Location view not working on ACAD 2025
The Google Maps location view button, which finds the location based on the coordinates of the current CAD view window, was not working on the ACAD 2025 platform due to changes in .NET 8.0. This has been fixed and should now work as it did for other CAD versions.


55B1 – Traffic Sign library selection is not saved
There was an issue where the traffic signs library selection was reset when opening a new drawing. As with road markings, the traffic signs library selection is now saved in an external file to avoid this issue.

55B1 – Autosign DEU library included in CGS Labs installation
German Autosign library is now included in the CGS Labs software installation to avoid issues with downloading the library from the server due to administrative rights restrictions for some users. By opening the Autosign Library Manager, the German library will already be present for the DEU version of CGS Labs software.


58C3 – Autopath analysis lines drawn on layer »0«
Changing the default settings in Autopath (such as the layer suffix) caused horizontal analysis lines to generate on layer “0” rather than on the predefined Autopath layer. This is fixed and layer suffix (and other settings) can be changed freely without incorrectly affecting layer creation.

58E1 – Autopath 3D Intralogistics vehicles distorted
Vehicles with chassis extending over the center of the tyres (mostly intralogistics, but also other vehicles like forklifts) were not created correctly because of the height difference of a front contour view, which affected the 3D solid extrusion and resulted in the bottom part of the 3D vehicle being missing. This height for the front profile view solid has been changed to match the other profiles (horizontal contour, profile contour).

NEW FEATURES: Detailed descriptions are available as PDF files for each separate engineering field

ROAD DESIGN  (English, German, Slovenian, Serbian)
RAILWAY DESIGN (English, SlovenianSerbian)

NEW FEATURES: Available as PDF file  |  English  |  German  |  Czech  |   Slovenian  |  Serbian

New features


OKSTRA 2.0 now supported

REB 66 Import/Export features

Search CGSLABS elements in draiwing option added

Property Set Manager & Property Set Editor Enhaced

3D model creation with multiple PropertySet definition option



Easy Drive Aligned

Corner Align analysis

Horizontal Analysis with Offset option

Export Analysis to Block



Traffic signs & Road Markings Report

Traffic signs & road markings library

  • Croatian traffic signs & road markings library
  • Czech traffic signs & road markings library
  • Czech Rail signals library


Enhancements and issues fixes:

GMI not working on C3D2018 (CGS Labs 2024)

Main element labels – “Arrow” option added

TCS elements – Erase option fixed

CGS Labs parameters table is not scalable (some parameters are not clearly visible) (150% scaled LCD resolution)

11L1 – Surface connecting to “0,0” coordinate fixed

31K2A crashing on a drawing issue fixed

11T8 – Slope between two points does not work properly in Polish Plateia but does in German (also recommendation to improve this function)

23L3 – Conversion of PRE to XYZ file fixed

Record macro (41H1, 41H2) doesn’t work fixed

Macro (41H6, 41H3) doesn’t understand comments

Intersections and Roundabouts general enhancements

Intersection surface on a layer with no name fixed

31I – Intersections windows improvement

31N, 31NOLD – stake-out points at the stations of the extremes added

Autopath works with different units (metric/imperial)

Autosign edit sign – problems with refreshing attributes

Autosign – Croatian library updated

Autosign: “_temp” signs and Arabic font added option

Autosign – Czech rail signs added

NEW FEATURES: Available as PDF file  |  English  |  German  |  Czech  |   Slovenian  |  Serbian

New features


  • Support for AutoCAD / Civil 3D 2024 version added
  • Projection lines labelling options added to profile view band
  • LandXML supporting rail alignment, speed and cant


  • New Autopath Intralogistics license option added
  • Double Ackermann steering support added
  • Gigaliner | EuroCombi | Road Train supported



  • IFC Export & Import optimisation
  • 4K resolution and CGS Labs UI dialogs related issues solved
  • Plateia SLO, HRV, SRB cross-section building blocks added
  • 41M4 – On/Off on multiple materials
  • CZ Localisation Enhancements – Super-elevation schema upgraded


  • EWB assigned to rear trailer axis
  • New vehicle libraries added


Issues solved


  • 32C4 (Ferrovia) Decimal values editing fixed
  • Site Design – 3D polyline offset, Section creation issues solved
  • 41P1 – Custom zoom changes right mouse button action
  • Colouring areas – wrong default colour
  • CZ Plateia – Alignment manager – Critical parameter preview not working
  • 41M3 Edit material text with enabled non-supported characters input
  • 33F1 and 33I2 – bank lines and water surface lines disappear
  • Cross Sections Station parameter 400412, value 19 and 20, not supported in quantity take-off table
  • 41K2 – read projection lines from ASCII file


  • Revers Driving is not Smooth for the Vehicles with Trailers
  • Trailers vertical contour displacement related to wheels (downward/upward)

NEW FEATURES: Available as PDF file  |  English  |  German  |  Czech  |   Slovenian  |  Serbian

New features


  • Support for BricsCAD V23 added
  • New CGSLABS branding


  • Rear steering vehicles supported


  • Multiple 2D/3D polyline conversion
  • Label Polyline


  • New localisation labels in layout and profile
    • reset label state option added
    • station label at point
    • radius value at spiral point
    • new profile line labels
  • Custom layers support for TCS elements in Cross-Sections Views
  • Rail ballast planimetry option enabled
  • Parallel alignemnt creation method added to Plateia
  • Copy alignment option available



  • LABELS – Label Polyline – New independent function to label any polyline in the drawing.


  • Support added for C3D feature line as horizontal swept path creation input element.

Issues solved:


  • IFC – Import & export problems on specific files. C3D: when exporting bigger amounts of data to IFC (2×3 or 4.X), C3D crashes. It works fine if we export smaller sections.
  • 11K7 crashes on certain 3D Polylines which are on 0,0 coordinates
  • Create Parallel Alignment command to Plateia ribbon
  • Labels – Alignment MainElementsLabels – crash appeared on random use cases while flipping labels left/right


  • Solved the “path to polyline not created” issue when selecting the swept path line. The path is now created no matter which entity of the swept path user selects.
  • The turning Radius was not correctly listed in the Vehicle profile text report. The Vehicle profile text was showing the diameter value instead of the turning radius.
  • Vertical Analysis – Vehicle wheels generated by Vertical analysis were in some cases at a different elevation than the rest of the profile. This occurred with vehicle libraries as well as with different units.
  • Horizontal contour wheels not set to zero elevation.
  • Turning Templates fail with alternate units. Templates fail if the units are not meters.
  • 3D vehicle animation issues were solved for several vehicles with complex vehicle contours.

NEW FEATURES: Available as PDF file  |  English  |  German  |  Czech  |   Slovenian  |  Serbian

Issues solved:


  • Google Maps – Use Current Drawing Location not working
  • CGS Labs LandXML not able to import (new) files


  • Alignment Manager – Properties – No surface to project to in UI
  • 32O2old – Ferrovia (SLO case) – Convert to GEO file
  • 31M – road edges on rounding sections don’t follow the profile line
  • 31K2A – Superelevations axis definition – doesn’t work, if profile is in separate drawing
  • 31K3 – Edit superelevations rows missing
  • 41X – CrossSectionsView Update CRASH on BCAD only


  • AP – VA collision detection
  • AP – Easy Drive reverse analysis and animation issues
  • Program Crashed when editing Articulated Vehicle – Front Part of its horizontal contour


  • Report pictures of the signs with TEXT (_temp) are not exported to Excel table
  • Pictures missing in the “3D settings” dialog
  • Autosign – Draw 3D Signs and Markings




  • Autopath Ultimate – Including 3D vehicle modelling and animation
  • Traffic Collection – Including Autopath, Autosign and Site Design


  • Support DRAPE to surfaces saved in external DWG files


  • Labels – Added labels to Projection Line, station points along alignment, radius value on spiral
  • Labels – Added labels to Profile Line
  • Labels – Localized Labels UI
  • Labels – Remember dragged label state
  • Labels – Setting/Variable label data filtered
  • Polyline Editor – Enhancements – 2D poly to 3D poly with arc segmentation
  • Polyline Editor – Add Raise/Lower option for vertex elevation management


  • Autopath – Add Height parameter to Vehicle Library UI and to Vehicle profile report
  • Autopath – Adding Height to the Vehicle Profile data (Tractor and Trailer)
  • Autopath – UI parameters: “Turning circle” changed to “Turning radius” (curb to curb and wall to wall)
  • Autopath – Vehicle profile report – Joined trailers with the front vehicle
  • Autopath – New vehicle Library – FTA 2016 – updated
  • Autopath – New vehicle Library – NEDERLAND – CROW
  • Autopath – New vehicle Library – SPORTS_CAR update

NEW FEATURES: Available as PDF file – English version, German version, Slovenian version, Serbian version

Issues solved:


  • 31K3 Super elevation editing – list first profile points / starting station
  • 31M Label super elevations in profile bands
  • Draw stakeout points in CZ version – blocks edited to function properly
  • Draw stakeout points, support for alignment selection enabled
  • New TCS Elements definitions for roads (Plateia) for all languages added
  • 42J6 Label Applied Cant values in CS Views when applied data is read from another source DWG containing alignment data
  • Google Maps import in BCAD no longer prompts command line Enter
  • CGS Points Search function settings access solved


  • Vertical collision displacement in Vertical Analysis
  • Easy Drive prediction curve change causing crash on some CAD platforms
  • Articulated vehicles supported in Vertical Analysis
  • Vehicle profile report text to scale (1/3 of vehicle size = text size)


  • 3D foundation change issue when editing 3D sign size
  • Multiple foundation support for multiple posts per sign
  • 3D other markings issues on BCAD
  • Longitudinal labels UI has longer Layer names dropdown




  • General – Set to CGS Labs 2022.1 version/license number. Builds continue to increase
  • General – Added support fot BricsCAD V22
  • General – New Ribbon content
  • General – Additional new labes added – SAMPLE LINE labes
  • General – Additional new labes added – Projection points labels
  • Spatial – New Google Maps import options – create DMR on elevation points insertion
  • BIM – Added suuport for new CAD objects to be exported to IFC file


  • Autopath – New feature Swept Path to Polyine added to all analysis methods
  • Autopath – New manufacturer vehicle libraries added
  • Autopath – New military vehicle libraries added
  • Autopath – New national vehicle libraries added
  • Autopath – New vehicle pictures added


  • Autosign – Supprt for text on 3D sign added – Custom text input on 2D sign is represented in 3D
  • Autosign – Support for BricsCAD alignment added – Covert to polyline option is availble with alignemnt name and station start value option to be added
  • Autosign – Parking lots along curve(arc) are now supported
  • Autosign – New and updated Traffic signs, Road markings and other markings libraries were added

NEW FEATURES: Available as PDF file – English version, German version, Slovenian version, Serbian version

Issues solved:


  • Google Earth Export – Added support for block references
  • Update / About – Checking the build number only (not version)

Plateia, Ferrovia, Aquaterra:

  • Plateia – Planimetry – 41M5A exports empty file (A language only)
  • Plateia – REB export doesn’t work
  • Plateia – 21F8 – Bad argument
  • Plateia – 41X – Update Cross Section Views – Double sample name names in the list
  • Plateia – 31M – Wrong elevation labels – Axis of Rotation functionality overhaul and new UI
  • Plateia – 11FB – Points report – when deleting points, program crashes
  • Plateia – 31Q works from ribbon, not from command line
  • Plateia – 31K1 – Super elevations – Define area doesn’t work properly
  • Plateia – Problems with roadway width
  • Ferrovia – Speed and applied cant change in layout is not updated in profile band: Alignm. geometry
  • Ferrovia – Floating elements – Circles do not have arrows displayed in Civil 3D 2022


  • Autopath – Vertical analysis is not smoothed, wheels deformation
  • Autopath – Issue regarding the repositioning of first back axel in Vertical Analysis vehicle contour.
  • Autopath – Trailer Vertical Contour displacement (Shape 3)
  • Autopath – Collision detection – exclude Horizontal Analysis path from collision report
  • Autopath – Collision detection not working well on large coordinates
  • Autopath – Tracking point breaks path updating
  • Autopath – Crashing with Auto Animation option set
  • Autopath – Displaced of Vertical Contour while having more than one front axis


  • Autosign – Incorrect dimension of added traffic sign
  • Autosign – Foundation appears in 3D after editing, even if it was not checked at sign/pole insertion
  • Autosign – Report pictures have different sizes
  • Autosign – Symbol Manager – Issue accessing advanced options
  • Autosign – Parking – Missing end lines



  • General – Set to CGS Labs 2022.1 version/license number. Builds continue to increase
  • General – IFC 4.X Export – Support more Property Sets added to same object be included in IFC file
  • General – Property Set Filter ENHANCEMENTS
  • General – PS Editor – Highlight objects which contain selected PS
  • General – PS Editor – Assign multiple PS to objects
  • Plateia, Ferrovia, Aquaterra
  • NEW LABELS – 1. Alignment Speed Labels
  • NEW LABELS – 2. Station Control Labels
  • NEW LABELS – 3. Hectometric labels
  • NEW LABELS – 4. Main Alignment Elements labels
  • NEW LABELS – 5. PI table labels
  • Ferrovia – 1600 gauge added


  • Autopath – Create new vehicle Shape(s) for bikes
  • Autopath – Hatch Over Min radius on HA and Steering angle report
  • Autopath – Aircraft – Updated libraries
  • Autopath – Auckland Transport Library vehicles 2022 added
  • Autopath – Indian Vehicle Library added
  • Autopath – Vehicle Search option added in Vehicle Library UI


  • Autosign – Implement 3D road marking as blocks
  • Autosign – Implemented option to create 3D signs as blocks
  • Autosign – 3D view – Align longitudinal road markings with alignment
  • Autosign – 3D view – Solids parameters in UI
  • Autosign – Symbols – new localized symbols content added
  • Autosign – Reports – New distribution for Traffic signs
  • Autosign – Reports – Table content settings change
  • Autosign – Check Scale and Rotation data in EDIT dialog when adding a traffic sign
  • Autosign – Traffic Signs UI – Add tooltip to the Main Modal UI
  • Autosign – Reports – Sort the traffic signs by Station by default

NEW FEATURES: Available as PDF file – English version, German version, Slovenian version, Serbian version

Issues fixed and functional enhancements:


  • IFC – Additional geometry types added to support detailed 3D model export capabilities.


  • 21D Axis not refreshed when moving Fixed elements.
  • 21M5 ASCII file for projection lines – wrong offset for LW polyline on arcs.
  • 21O1 No changes after altering Slope Grade and Slope Lenght in XML.
  • 21O2 Change Pattern type for slope hatch element.
  • 21O2 Scale labels – On scale alignment labels (command 21B) remember last setting for vertical alignment labels (command 21O1) and update only if checkbox is selected.
  • 2102 Set all hatch types to SOLID.
  • 31H1 Editing profile does not change SNAP options any more.
  • 31K1 Define multiple super elevation types areas along alignment now supported.
  • 31I Intersections command crashes fixed. When alignments had no lanes defined.
  • (no super-elevation calculated in profile) occasional crashes occurred. Fixed, as now only alignment point is taken in consideration in such case.
  • 41E1 Crash after changing cross axis width.
  • 41E2 On 1 axis deletes labels on all other alignments.
  • 42K3 Save to ASCII file. Read saved file error fixed (HUN version only).
  • 41E2 Filter terrain points. Function deleted labels on all other alignments cross section views. Fixed as other Cross Section Views apart from active alignment ones are not affected any more.
  • Cross section vertical scale not refreshed after change base elevation fixed.
  • 42N1 Only one plot area size can be defined.


  • 22M3 HUN read ASCII file not working.
  • 32H1 Editing profile does not change SNAP options any more.
  • 32 Ferrovia LRA_7: with tangent slope=0, LRA_7 annotation dissapears.


  • Clearance lines (Offset) now as polylines (not 3D polylines).
  • Clearance analysis with certain value can be performed multiple times.
  • Autopath crashing with auto animation set solved.
  • EasyDrive reverse path on wrong layer solved.

NEW FEATURES: Available as PDF file – English version, German version, Slovenian version, Serbian version

Common CGS Labs issues:

  • Predefined layer colours issue solved – Edit Materials
    While changing material layer colours issues occurred in terms of wrong colour displayed or black colour used instead us user defined colour definition. This issue is solved in CGS Labs 2021.2 version.
  • CGSA 3D model creation work on unlimited number of materials defined
    Until this release, the 3D model creation was limited to up to 9 different materials defined in Cross-Sections View. Now the number of materials defined in not limited any more.

BricsCAD related issues:
Bellow a list of issues solved corresponds to BricsCAD platforms. CGS Labs Civil Solutions used on AutoCAD or AutoCAD Civil 3D have no such issues.

  • 41D1, Adding bands (text rubrics) to Cross Sections in BCAD is now supported
  • 41I7, Convert Polyline to TCS Element
  • 11E5, Change point type now supported
  • 31V82, Label Slope – the command does not alter OSNAP setting any more
  • 41I2, Extend substructure in both directions now enabled

Aquaterra related issues:

  • 43F2, Insert adjacent river canal to main canal CS Views now supported
  • 33L6, Label points in profile view


  • UI/UX – Plateia, Ferrovia, Aquaterra, Electra, Autosign and Autopath ribbons have updated content
  • Licensing – New RLM licensing, introduced with CGS Labs 2020 version, is more reliable and faster
  • Documentation – Plateia help documentation is updated to the latest Plateia software content available
  • Draw 3D road lanes with elevation changes has been upgraded
  • Typical Cross Sections road geometry library
  • Pavement – Option to add multiple additional pavements (sub-pavement) is now supported.
  • Project points to Profile Labeling options
  • Label Design Speed & Station Equations options
  • Polyline labelling upgrades
  • Import Civil3D and Urbano pipes – Support for Urbano 10 version has been added
  • Annotate Dimension – Decimal labelling option added to Dimension distance UI
  • Label applied cant values in Cross Section Views
  • Clearance analysis – Horizontal and vertical offset vehicle distance review
  • Video Recorder –  New feature is available in Autopath ribbon to create video animations of swept paths
  • New vehicles added to Autopath vehicle libraries
  • Custom traffic signs libraries – Creating new user defined traffic signs libraries is now possible within Library Manager UI
  • 3D sign size management
  • 3D cones – Road Works
  • Video Recorder – part of the Autosign ribbon to enable users to create quick video animation
  • Enhancements carried out on the Edit traffic sign dialog
  • Download traffic signs library


  • Correspondent Sample Lines distance between alignments issue solved. Distances between alignments in Cross Section Views display and are calculated correctly.
  • Reconstruction (31O3) now work on sample lines projected to survey points also. Previously reconstructions commands required surface (DTM) made from survey points.
  • Invoking command to Draw elements (Arc, Line) in Ferrovia issue solved
  • Aquaterra ribbon run commands issues solved
  • Double hatching when using Edit command solved (11N2)
  • Wrong HQP file (41L3), DEU version
  • Definition of cross sections not possible (41G4)
  • Draw structures (31H1)
  • Import C3D pipes to Plateia profile (31S8, 31S9) – add note this command only works on Civil 3D platforms as it is linked to Civil 3D pipes objects. User can not draw C3D pipes in Plateia profile on BricsCAD platforms as they do not support C3D pipe objects.
  • Draw ditch command (42H7)
  • Intersection lines not drawn in Cross-Section Views if number of profiles differs (Layout-Profile-Cross-Section Views) solved (42K2)
  • Roundabout issues solved on BricsCAD V20 and V19, especially in cases when alignment non perpendicular:
    • (52E1) – Selection problem
    • (52E2) – Selection problem and create extra circle
    • (52E3) – Right turn and circle intersection
    • (52E4) – Editing issue – closing app, won’t change right turn
    • (52E5) – Editing issue – closing app, won’t change right turn
    • (52E6) – Editing issue – closing app, not applying changes
  • Mass Haul profile table insertion issues if no fill defined in Cross Sections Views solved


  • Profile Creator – Simplified UI for creating CAD profiles now available
  • CS Views – TCS Manager – Move between CS views with arrow keys
  • CS Views – TCS Manager –Define custom ZOOM area option added
  • CGS Labs Installer – newly defined (un)supported CAD platforms in CGS Labs 2021 release – Check What’s new document for details
  • CGS Labs ribbon as the only one to be loaded in CGS Labs profile – 2021 version
  • RLM v14 implemented in 2021 CGS Labs installation
  • Load CGS SW successfully when other 3rd party applications run on same CAD profile


  • Variables – Add preview pictures for variable parameters
  • 21T1 – Plot command – Remember custom user defined values
  • 21O1 – Labels are not drawn correctly (arrows, circle, hatch)
  • 21N5 – Generate stakeout points at correct station values when alignment’s starting station is not 0
  • 21M1 – Draw lines along the axis – some lines were not drawn issue resolved
  • 21M1 – Draw lines along the axis –Delete option for existing lines was not working
  • 21G6, 21G7 and 21G8 commands – Control points UI had wrong messages
  • 52C1 – Intersections – Island UI – increase space for text
  • 52E2 – Roundabouts- Draw approach – Design approach issues solved on various CAD platforms
  • CS Views – Wrong marking in cross section views: right | left
  • 41F1 – Draw roadway – does not read data from ASCII files
  • 41G4 – Pavement is not drawn under the road lanes when more than 2 lanes are present
  • 41E1 – Reference height changes after vertical alignment import
  • 41M5 – QTO not working with Elling method
  • 42H1 – Wrong texts displayed in UI
  • 41H2 – Stop recording Macro – Nothing happens on STOP – Save to dialog box now appears
  • 41K2 – Draw ditch line in CS View works
  • Collision Detection / Property Set Filter – Increase space for text in UI
  • Autopath – Changes to ribbon – More functions exposed in the frontline
  • Autopath – Wrong vehicle label orientation when left to right vertical analysis
  • Autopath – Vehicle templates added to the installation
  • Autosign – brings new functionality in form of Autosign Ultimate – Check What’s new document for details
  • Electra – UI syntax error problems solved (when strange characters used)
  • Electra – Edit profile problems in BricsCAD platforms solved

NEW FEATURES:  (open PDF file)

  • New update/installation includes the support for BricsCAD v20 version
  • Installation process now simplified (“Complete” and “Custom” option is added to skip CAD and program selection)
  • New messages in “Multiple licenses available” UI which opens up after running the first command when more CGS Labs software package licenses are available
  • 22R5 add spiral Radius value at position label fixed
  • Fixed stationing labelling in profile band when station equation is used on alignment
  • DEU version: Appdata/PFAE/DEU/AppDataSpecific >> EXAMPLE folder added including PLATEIA files
  • Static text added in drop-down Ribbon commands
  • Autosign: Insert Sign UI split
  • Autosign:  Scrolling in the Draw Signs UI fixed
  • Autosign: Search option added to Draw Signs UI
  • Autosign: German sign library updated containing non-transparent signs.
  • 22J6 Draw Turnout report solved (load
  • Added DCL files to Hungarian version
  • Hungarian QTO material definition table added
  • MACRO example for ENG and SLO Plateia versions added
  • Label heights in profile and cross sections fixed
  • Error drawing intersection/projection lines from Cross-Sections to Layout solved
  • Topographical symbols added:
    • C:\…\AppDataLocalUser\SYMBOLS\Pi_KKN
    • C:\…\PlatformIndependent\AppDataLocalUser\SYMBOLS\Pi_TTN
  • 31G4 Label profile: cut/fill colour corrected in German version where colours were switched
  • 21R6 – Unable to recognize command “7” issues solved
  • 11O1 – Unable to recognize command “0” issues solved
  • Profile creator: CGS Labs icon added to WINDOWS Start Menu (shortcut to run the CGS Labs profile in CAD platform)
  • Profile Creator Icon creator: /product “[product]” added to the shortcut target on Autodesk platforms. Shortcut is named: CGS Labs 2020 on ACAD 2020 – [product]. For [product], some of possible values are C3D, ACAD, MAP …
  • New Installation Instructions document available
  • NEW FEATURE: Project lines/points to profile works when no sample lines are present/defined on alignment
  • NEW: About/Update UI enhancements: Release Notes web page link added

NEW FEATURES:  (open PDF file)


  • Intersection Lines user interface upgraded (21M1) – Added sorting and multiple selection options
  • Fixed sorting and select all options for Read intersection lines command in profile (31E2)
  • Added sorting and select all options to Draw intersection lines command in CS (41K2)
  • Draw correspondent Sample Lines in Profile View when Sample Line prefix is same on both or more alignments which correspondent Sample Lines are crossing
  • Draw Profile View: *(asterisk) is added to the correspondent sample lines name
  • Save Intersection lines to file – Increased spacing in ASCII file
  • Draw Cross-Section Views with new correspondent Sample Lines definition
  • Insert 3D Solid elements to Cross Sections Views enabled on all CAD platforms
  • Add Sample Lines station info to »Draw Cross-Section Views« dialog and »Update Cross-Section Views« dialog
  • Rearrange “Draw Profile View” UI to be similar to “Insert Cross-Section Views” UI
  • Updated commands due to changes to Sample Lines which include info: ProfileName|AlignmentName
    • Changed DCT (dictionary values) of Sample Lines (ProfileName|AlignmentName)
    • Draw Cross-Section Views UI now has the option to display Correspondent Sample Lines or not
    • Dialog for navigating around Cross-Section Views now displays terrain and table rather than just terrain
    • Functions for plotting of Cross-Section Views now supports Views with same Sample Line names
    • 42HC Fix to “Conditional element” default name
    • 42IA / 41I7 – Zoom to element
    • 42K2 Projection lines – New data format (ProfileName|AlignementName) compared to old format (ProfileName).
    • 42K3 Save projection lines to file fixed.
    • 42M2 No response to mouse cursor. Fixed.
  • Profile elevation based on rotation point (Inside rails) fixes for CZ version
  • Superelevation lane “jumps” – elevation changes – displayed in 3D lines (after running Update Layout command)


  • BricsCAD v19 Update

NEW FEATURES:  (open PDF file)

GDPR harmonization:

  • New graphics content
  • Updated user interface/ribbon.
  • New Customer Support Tools for CGS Labs Partners and End-Users:
  • Changes to the Partner Portal

Software updates, functional upgrades and troubleshooting


  • About window – Update option – ADD uncheck option
  • CGS Labs – SW installations 2017.4 – License Agreement updated
  • Set Autopath on same CAD profile as CGS Labs installation
  • Google Street View not available in latest build


  • 21FB – Draw Tangent Polygon from Axis Elements` The program crashes.
  • 21M5 – Save Intersection Lines’ Command doesn’t work
  • Draw superelevation labels from LS files : should label 2 decimal values
  • 21L1 – The program doesn’t calculate widening in DEU language version when the standard “Aktuelle Richtlinien” is selected


  • 31S1/2 – PlateiaProfile – Sewage System/DrawSewageSystem
  • 31K4 – Convert polyline to superelevation
  • Plateia: Label Lines miss function if superelevation not present in profile view
  • 31Q – Stop Visibility Length Calculation` Wrong layer
  • Plateia ENG – Superimpose Profile function produces no result
  • 31R5 – Label ditches – Error shows

Cross sections

  • Conditional element – SW crashes occur
  • 41K4 – Insert 3D Objects – Update 3D object in cross sections
  • 41I9 – Edit TCS Elements – When 3D solid is drawn in CS, it disappears after editing TCS
  • Plateia ENG – 3D objects deleted after Cross Sections UPDATE
  • Update Cross Sections – Keep Ref. Height option deletes terrain lines


  • Bus parameters updated in Slovenian version


  • Install Autopath on CAD profile where CGS Labs profile is set (or use FAPP tool)
  • Autopath installation – Include jpg files in install files instead of BMP
  • Autopath – Animation control slider freezes

Autosign specific for Slovenia

  • 2017.4 installation includes updated SLO signs
  • 50C2 – Signs are not shown correct in Civil3D 2019 – Wipe-out problem solved

Specific for Electra

  • Electra – 35F5 Poles Report – The station is not correct.
  • Electra – 35H1 Label safety heights – Does not recognize the initial station

Specificfor Ferrovia, HRV version

  • 22J6 – Turnout report table `Civil logo
  • Turnouts report table – Ferrovia HRV 2017
  • Ferrovia – 22L6 – zapis profilov – No Function Definition, SLO, HRV

NEW FEATURES:  (open PDF file)


  • Seamless software updates for users with subscription
  • Create 3D BIM road, rail & water canal models
  • Property Set Editor
  • IFC Export
  • BIM solutions compatibility
  • Grading enhancements
  • Google Maps Import and Google Earth Export enhancements
  • Street View

Plateia / Ferrovia / Awuaterra / Electra

  • Automatic vertical profile rounding for road design
  • Cross-sections Macro enhancements
  • 3D road modelling
  • Roundabout design functions for DACH region


  • Large Autopath collection of vehicle libraries added
  • Localized vehicle dimensions updated per countries
  • Utility vehicle type’s libraries
  • Mobile cranes vehicles library
  • Rear axle steering vehicles type’s libraries
  • Aircraft vehicles library available


  • SLO library updated to comply with changes added to current regulations


  • BricsCAD v18 Update

NEW FEATURES:  (open PDF file)

Plateia / Ferrovia / Aquaterra / Electra

  • BIM & IFC & LandXML extended support
  • Property manager
  • Google Maps Import
  • Import & Export LandXML
  • Convert alignment to Floating Elements alignment type
  • Default Project & Alignment manager
  • Predefined Cross Sections definitions Macros
  • Scale command
  • Best-Fit Enhancements
  • Draw alignment as Floating Elements
  • Alignment & Profile offset labels


  • Grouping of road markings
  • Ghost islands – filled tips


  • Enhanced user interface and options
  • Label maximum swept path width
  • Continue existing EasyDrive simulation
  • Collison detection
  • Improved Animation functionality
  • Support COPY/MOVE command for existing simulation
  • Support for custom and specialized vehicles editing
  • Vehicle library selection option added to vehicle library
  • Add custom vehicle command added to ribbon
  • Dynamic swept path analysis reports
  • Vehicle profile extended vehicle data added
  • Dynamic steering wheel report accessible from ribbon
  • Extensive customer support options
  • New Feedback and Support access options
  • Updated Getting started videos and Help content