Autopath provides unique raster imagery and Elevation data (Earth Surface data) insertion options and Street View capabilities within the CAD drawing to help clients, investors, or the interested public to visualize areas where swept path analysis is taking place. Combining such data with CAD BIM infrastructural or architectural models offers immersive visualization capabilities and great value analysis.

You can import Google maps raster and elevation data into a CAD drawing with just a click.

Select location – let’s say we want to go to Manhattan – adjust the zoom to the desired area to be imported, check whether you want to import raster data, elevation data, or maybe even both and select Import.

Then simply choose the appropriate country-specific coordinate system. As Autopath comes with an extensive list of supported coordinate systems worldwide to enable convenient data insertion, I’m sure you will find the appropriate one. By clicking OK, data will be seamlessly inserted into the drawing.

In my opinion, this feature can be very useful for special transportation planning, or in case you have to figure out how you will deliver cran on the construction site. So, in cases, you have to rely on the existing infrastructure. Of course, you can also use it when designing road reconstructions, planing new ones, or just in case you wish to.

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