For the last few months, students were designing exciting civil infrastructure projects using the CGS Labs Civil Solutions:

  • Plateia (roadway design),
  • Ferrovia (railway design),
  • Aquaterra (channel/river engineering design),
  • on top of AutoCAD, Civil 3D, and BricsCAD.

They are now finalizing project presentations supported by attractive visualizations. We can’t wait to see them.

Who will attend this event?

Design professionals from internationally recognized companies, civil engineering students from the region, CAD/BIM enthusiasts.


Civil engineering students and CAD/BIM enthusiasts! Sneak peek into the best projects of this international competition and see who wins the prize. Meet with your potential employers! Support your fellow students!


If you want to meet young promising civil engineers and potential future employees, this event is a great opportunity for you.

Join us at the Awards event. It’s Admission free and open to the general public.